New Etwinning Project 2011-2014
The Dutch school is ready to start a new Etwinning project, so I have chosen 3rd ESO-British to start communication with Lucía -the Spanish teacher- and the Dutch students.
Some of them might have the chance to meet their Dutch penfriends in October 2012, and most of us will share some English and Spanish using IT and this blog.
Welcome to our readers in Stedelijk College!.
¡Bienvenidos todos a esta nueva actividad!
Our projects:
"Some traditions in our countries-Tradiciones en nuestros países".
SchoolYear 2011-12.
"Keeping in touch with the Dutch!". SchoolYear 2012-2013.
This is our Blog. Thanks to the Dutch and Spanish students who helped us!
Mª Eugenia Matía. IES Alonso Berruguete. Palencia.Spain.
Lucía González. Stedelijk College. Eindhoven. The Netherlands.
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